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Our New Products

GTR F2FM-15L-15-T40W

Rs. 65000 /=

ASTERO Sumitomo AC Induction Motor - A9M90CH

Rs. 25000 /=

Power command display

Rs. 50000 /=

Schneider Soft Starter -ATS22C41Q-110kw

Rs. 0 /=

Easy Drive-GT200-4T0370G/4T0450P-37kw

Rs. 365000 /=

Easy Drive VFD-GT200-4T0185G/4T0220P-18.5kw

Rs. 260000 /=

Easy Drive VFD-GT200-4T0150G/4T0185P-15kw

Rs. 180000 /=

Easy Drive VFD-GT200-4T0055G/4T0075P-5.5kw

Rs. 110000 /=

Easy Drive VFD-GT20-4T0040G-4kw

Rs. 70000 /=

Easy Drive VFD GT20-4T0022G-2.2kw

Rs. 60000 /=

Easy Drive-GT20-4T0015G-1.5kw

Rs. 40500 /=

Easy Drive VFD-GT20-2S0015G-1.5kw

Rs. 35000 /=

Crompton Grave Motor - 0.75kw

Rs. 35000 /=

Crompton Grave Motor - 1.5kw

Rs. 45000 /=

Crompton Grave Motor - 2.2kw

Rs. 55000 /=

Crompton Grave Motor - 7.5kw

Rs. 120000 /=

Crompton Grave Motor -11kw

Rs. 185000 /=

Crompton Grave Motor - 15kw

Rs. 260000 /=

ABB Motor-M2BAX90 -SA2-1.5kw

Rs. 45000 /=

ABB Motor-M2BAX100-LA4-2.2kw

Rs. 55000 /=

ABB Moto-M2BAX132-SA4 -5.5kw

Rs. 100000 /=

ABB Motor-M2BAX132-MA4 -7.5kw

Rs. 120000 /=

ABB Motor- M2BAX160MLA4

Rs. 185000 /=

ABB Motor- M2BAX160MLB4-15kw

Rs. 260000 /=

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